Hello freelancers. Unfortunately I missed the boat on this one (the launch was yesterday) but I hope you’ll check out the site regardless. KALW is doing some fantastic work in the Bay Area and they are VERY good to freelancers – lots of opportunity there. They are currently looking for community correspondents from various places around the Bay, so check out the below and contact “Zoe Corneli” if you have questions. Best, Mia 845-444-4034 (new cell)
Hi there,
I work with the news team at KALW Public Radio in San Francisco, and we are launching our new local digital news magazine today! I was hoping you could take a few minutes to check it out, and if you so desire, blog or tweet about it or post on Facebook before 7 p.m. tonight. (We’d like to try to coordinate so everyone is talking about it at the same time.)
Here’s a little background:
Since 2003, KALW News has expanded while other news organizations cut back. Now, www.KALWNews.org combines our award-winning news and arts stories with blogs, photos, social media, interactivity, and mapping. We also feature the growing numbers of Bay Area hyper-local journalism outlets for you to check out, as well as a digest of mainstream local news sources. Visitors can submit their own content and use the collaborative “Fixipedia” tool to help generate solutions to issues in the news. The site really aims to capture the essence of what it is to live in the Bay Area. And, to do it better and more comprehensively, we need you! This is public interest media, and your interests matter to us.
If you have a moment to take a look and you like it — or even if you don’t