The Changing Face of America: Immigration and the Politics of Reform
Graduate School of Journalism, University of California at Berkeley
May 1-4, 2014
The UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism invites professional print, broadcast, and online journalists in the United States to apply to its fourth annual New York Times Institute on Immigration Reporting.
The 20 applicants selected as New York Times Fellows will learn about the new dynamics of America’s immigration debate and the country’s changing demographics. Immigration policy continues to be a hot topic this year, with Congress facing increasing pressures in the debate over large-scale legislative reforms. Regardless of what happens in Washington, D.C, it is likely that states and localities will continue to be active on a range of issues from tuition equity for immigrant students to increased local enforcement.
The intensive four-day training is designed for reporters and editors who have some background on immigration and seek to enhance their knowledge and skills.
The 2014 seminar will focus on the impact of the growing Latino and Asian-American electorate on current immigration reform efforts in Congress. Participants will:
· Receive hands-on training in demographic analysis and working with Census data on voter registration and turnout;
· Hear up-to-the-minute assessments of legislation in play in Washington and the power dynamics behind it;
· Examine this year’s political debate in the context of history, current immigration law, state-federal battles and recent developments in immigration enforcement;
In past years, speakers have included high-ranking Homeland Security officials, immigration judges, leading journalists, scholars, legislators and immigrants themselves. We anticipate a line up of top-notch experts again this year. The institute will draw on its position in California – which has been at the leading edge on many aspects of immigration – and the wealth of resources at the University of California and beyond. Participants will leave the seminar well equipped with new perspectives and insights backed by solid research and data, new sources, essential reporting tools, and story ideas to deepen their coverage and to share with their newsroom colleagues.
The Changing Face of America is a New York Times Institute, supported by a generous grant from the Atlantic Philanthropies. The Institute is co-sponsored by the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Law and Social Policy at Berkeley Law.
The application deadline is March 10, 2014. Find more information and apply on the website: