Tag Archives: magazine

Pop-Up Magazine tickets on sale this week

Very cool event from one of our members coming up soon. Check out the details below and help spread the word! -mia



Big week!

Tickets to the third installment of Pop-Up Magazine will go on sale *THIS THURSDAY, AT NOON*. As always, the show will be one night only: Friday, April 16th, at Herbst Theater, with the party after in their Green Room.

Tickets will be available through our web site: www.popupmagazine.com

It’s going to be a great night. Oscar-winning filmmakers Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, author and Harper’s contributor Rebecca Solnit, chef and food activist Bryant Terry, Radio Diaries creator Joe Richman, legendary music photographer Jim Marshall, and much, much more.

But I need your help.

The first two issues of Pop-Up Magazine sold out really fast. (Last time, 90 minutes!) So for this one, we’re trying out a much bigger theater. That means we need to work extra hard to spread the word. There are two things you could do that would make us really happy.

1) I just created a Facebook event for the show. If you think of Bay Area friends who might enjoy Pop-Up Magazine, you can click “Invite Other People to Come,” underneath the Pop-Up Magazine logo, and pass along the invite. This would be huge, huge help.


2) If you like Pop-Up Magazine, tell your friends know about the next show. This could mean tweeting (we’re @popupmag), or forwarding the “On Sale Now!” e-mail we send out on Thursday, or passing along the link to our web site, or mentioning the next show on Facebook. Or best of all: making plans to go together! I promise fun for all.

Thank you! We’re so grateful for our amazing friends and contributors and fans!

Hope to see you at the show.

Cheers, Doug

[Un]Observed seeks contributions

Hey folks. One of our own has started a very cool new project and she’s looking for contributors. Details below! -mia


The [Un]Observed, on-line radio magazine, is launching this month. It consists of interviews, more produced radio pieces, and sound pieces in and around art and culture (the culture part makes it a bit more broad). Over the years The [Un]Observed hopes to grow into a hub for interesting and engaging work that both reflects and is produced by the artistically inclined. Currently, The [Un]Observed has several contributors: Ben Adair, Douglas McGray, Aaron Ximm, Kara Oehler, Ann Heppermann, Jason Cady, Jeremiah Moore and Tania Ketenjian.

The [Un]Observed is seeking contributions! The idea for The [Un]Observed is that it be a play space for brilliant producers like you. Somewhere where you can place work that you are excited about, you really enjoyed producing or you love the way they turned out. Or even ones that are off the beaten path for you and you are in the midst of creating.

The piece can be as short as 60 seconds to an hour long, it can have aired before or it can be new, a work in progress, a collection of sounds, recordings of a family dinner, whatever you would like to get out there. The main thing is that the piece be about art or culture, or be artistically produced.

The [Un]Observed can be an archive for you as well where people can come to hear your work, amongst your peers and colleagues from around the world.

The magazine was conceived of by Tania Ketenjian who is seeking to expand the ways we can have access to interesting and engaging radio and sound works.

Currently The [Un]Observed is not in a position to compensate contributors but will do so as the site grows. That said, your contribution is invaluable and so appreciated.

To contribute, please send an e.mail to tania@theunobserved.com with CONTRIBUTION in the subject line.