Latino USA call for pitches

Latino USA wants your pitches!! Please submit your pitches to meetings take place every Friday, and they try to get back to reporters early the following week. Good luck!


Things that set people on a path, for better or worse. Story examples include the school-to-prison pipeline and the lack of a pipeline in the Catholic Church, where young Latinos who are undocumented can’t become part of the clergy.

As the nation inches slowly toward marijuana legalization, this show will look at the ways in which the drug itself, the drug market, and enforcement approaches like harsh sentencing and stop-and-frisk are affecting Latino communities. We also want to explore how legalizing the drug can both help and hurt communities of color. Who really stands to benefit from marijuana legalization, and who stands to lose? And what will happen to the people locked up for crimes that might no longer be crimes in the near future?

POLITICS (ongoing throughout the year)
We’re looking for many stories in the lead-up to the election, including pieces about first-time voters, demographic shifts, and places where voting laws could have a big impact on Latino turnout. We’d also like stories about local races that highlight issues at play in the larger election. 
We do NOT want stories that are just about the horse race or simply tell us that a non-profit group is trying to get out the vote. We’re looking for pieces that show the human side of the election, with interesting characters that reflect why people vote the way they do and what various campaign positions could mean for ordinary people. We’re especially looking for under-reported stories from the Midwest and the South. 
Possible angles:
First-generation Americans voting for the first time in a household where parents can’t vote; first time someone joins a get out the vote effort and/or joins activism in politics; first Latino candidate running in a local race where elected officials are mostly white. 
This is also the first time that two Latino candidates are in the running for president yet Cruz and Rubio face criticism about their “Latinidad.” We are looking for stories that address this, especially in their home states of Texas and Florida.
We want to explore how/if media coverage – both local and national – differs in Spanish media news outlets in the US like Univision and Telemundo.

Latino USA often focuses on immigration to the US from Latin America, but this is just a piece of a larger global phenomenon. We’re looking for stories from all over the world that help explain how and why people are moving from one part of planet Earth to another – with a particular emphasis on how issues like war, climate change and the economy are all factors.

Stories about all aspects of finance and making a living: minimum wage battles; banks that cater to Latinos; discrimination and redlining; and access to bank accounts and home loans for Latinos at different income levels.

A large part of the immigrant experience is about learning to fit in. We’re looking for stories about assimilation and resisting assimilation, succeeding or failing at fitting in. Also stories about coming to the US, from either a personal or a news-driven angle.

Stories about pregnancy and reproductive health. For example: the effect of one’s culture on the experience or treatment of postpartum depression; pregnancy and birthing practices that complement a woman’s cultural practices and beliefs; different ideals and expectations of motherhood based on one’s own culture or upbringing.

Stories about people in precarious situations or navigating conflicting pressures; being caught between two forces or two people; giving something up in order to gain something else.

When do you keep silent and when do you speak out? What is the cost of each? 
One example is a story we have in the pipeline about the Chilean band Los Prisioneros, which pushed the limits of censorship during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Now they’re considered iconic.

The experiences of women of color in the workforce, as they face a particular set of barriers that white women have the privilege of avoiding (racism, classism, colorism, not just sexism). 
Possible angles: ideals of “professionalism” imposed upon women of color, based on white standards of beauty and respectability; bosses who are women of color, including their challenges, their management style and how their subordinates treat them; the impact of workplace discrimination on women of color; and balancing a woman’s need to advocate for herself with the pressure of not wanting to be seen as a rabble-rouser.

Stories about people, places, or events reaching the tipping point. Watershed moments that sparked change or created some kind of critical action, perhaps after simmering below the surface for some time.

Siblings living far apart, perhaps in separate countries; people who are brothers or sisters in spirit if not in blood. We’re open to all kinds of ideas on this one!

Stories about iconic Latino films; profiles of foreign filmmakers; images of Latinos in movies.

From soap opera memes to La Llorona (the crying woman), tears play an interesting role in Latino culture. We’ll dive into the cultural history and science of crying and try to answer the question: Do Latinos cry more? We are looking for personal stories about crying and other ideas the topic may spark. 

From how young boys are doing in school, to how Latino notions of masculinity affect different part of men’s lives – from dating to the workplace to fatherhood. Also, the intersections of sexuality and machismo and challenging old paradigms of masculinity. 

With the US hosting the Copa América Centenario this summer, we’re focusing on “the beautiful game” and the hold it has on the American continent – let alone the world. We’re looking for stories of rabid fandom, split allegiance, and the ways in which a love of soccer has changed people’s lives for better or worse. Also, soccer’s growing popularity in the US and what contributions our country’s growing Latino community has brought to the sport, and vice versa.

Stories about Latinos and car culture. For example: the past and present of low riders, the consequences of being undocumented and ineligible for a driver's license, and life at a car dealership in New York. Bring us cool stories about cars!

Brazil is the largest country in Latin America and one of the world's biggest economies. But for nearly 400,000 Brazilian-Americans, there's a nagging question: Do we count as Latinos? For this episode, we’re seeking stories about Brazil and how Brazilians fit into the American tapestry. Personal narratives and pieces about identity, culture, politics and family histories are welcome. We're open to all kinds of pitches for this one, surprise us! 

Stories that show the experiences of Latinos on college campuses. 

For much of the latter 20th century, the US Central Intelligence Agency played an active role in Latin American politics, toppling governments and installing others at it saw fit. In this history show, we visit some of the most outlandish chapters in the CIA's Latin America histories, from explosive cigars to covert infiltration of the Cuban hip-hop scene. Pitch us one we haven't heard about yet, or a fresh angle about a famous one. 

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