ZUMIX Radio hiring AmeriCorps Vista, application deadline this Friday May 30th!

Spread the word to any up and coming radioheads who want to do AmeriCorps.


ZUMIX is hiring an AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer to help support ZUMIX Radio's anticipated transition from an online to a broadcast radio station with the acquisition of a Low Power FM license.

It's important for folks to know that this is a part of the AmeriCorps government service program, and pays a taxable living allowance of $14,644/year, a relocation allowance (TBD), a $5,645 educational award, a $900 MBTA LinkPass (bus & subway), a Health Benefits Plan, child care, and professional development opportunities.

If you know anyone who may have interest in doing a year of service, getting experience working in community radio, and who enjoys working with youth, please share the following link to the job description and let them know the application deadline is this Friday May 30th.

Here's the link: http://www.idealist.org/view/job/JK2nFNdk8zMD/

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