Tag Archives: environment

Fund for Environmental Journalism deadline July 15

Grants available for environmental reporting; deadline for first round is July 15. Details below.

Fund for Environmental Journalism

SEJ’s Fund for Environmental Journalism is accepting applications for grants of up to $2,500 to help underwrite environmental reporting projects and entrepreneurial ventures.

The purpose of the FEJ is to provide incentives and support to qualified journalists and news organizations to enhance the quantity and quality of environmental journalism. Read about the origin of the Fund for Environmental Journalism.

Any United States, Canada or Mexico-based journalist working independently or on the staff of either a for-profit or non-profit news organization is eligible to apply for a FEJ grant.

Grant funds can be used for project-related travel, training, research materials, database analysis, and other direct expenses required for success of the reporting project or entrepreneurial venture.

SEJ membership is not required, but all applicants must meet SEJ’s eligibility requirements: your work must be in journalism or closely related to journalism, and your responsibilities must not include public relations work on environmental issues or lobbying on environmental issues. If you’re not sure, please review SEJ’s eligibility requirements.

SEJ Members: Fee waived
Non-members: $20 (Please see below)*

* The cost of first-year membership is only $20. Membership includes a year’s subscription to SEJ’s quarterly magazine, SEJournal, access to the online directory of members, subscription to members-only discussion lists, discounts to SEJ’s annual conferences and more. To join:

1. Apply to be a registered user of SEJ’s website. Go to www.sej.org, then click the “Need help?” link in the burgundy bar at the right near the top of the page. Once your user profile has been activated, you can access the online membership application. (New user accounts are usually activated the same day.)

2. Access the online membership application, complete and click submit. SEJ staff will fast-track your application and, if you are accepted for membership in SEJ, send you the payment link for new members.

You do not have to be a member to apply for the Fund for Environmental Journalism. The fee for non-members to apply is $20. If you decide not to join SEJ, click on the Non-member Grant Application Form, below.

First round: July 15, 2010, for all forms, materials and payment to be submitted. Winners of round one will be announced by Aug. 1, 2010.
Second round: Nov. 15, 2010, for all forms, materials and payment to be submitted. Winners of round two wil be announced  Dec. 15, 2010.

For more details, please read the FEJ Program Guidelines.


SEJ Members Grant Application Form

Non-member Grant Application Form

Columbia Earth Institute travel opportunities for journalists

VERY long list of international travel opportunities for journalists through the Earth Institute. NOTE: Journalists must pay their own way, but they do want to support coverage of their research. Check it out. Or click here if you want the pdf version from their website.


Kevin Krajick
Senior science writer,The Earth Institute
The Earth Institute <http://www.earth.columbia.edu/>


MAY 20, 2010

Upcoming Scientific Travel Opportunities for Journalists

Journalists are encouraged to cover expeditions by Earth Institute researchers, who work on every continent and ocean. Here are upcoming trips of potential interest, in rough chronological order (some dates approximate). Work in the New York City/Hudson Valley region is in a separate section below. Journalists may accompany scientists on a case-by-case basis; news organizations must pay for travel to sites.

Unless otherwise stated, projects originate with our Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory <http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/>.   For those wishing to follow remotely, many teams post blogs on our State of the Planet pages <http://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/> .

Go to our Media Advisory page: http://www.earth.columbia.edu/articles/view/2637, where updates also are posted.

More info: Kevin Krajick kkrajick@ei.columbia.edu 212-854-9729.

Kim Martineau, kmartineau@ei.columbia.edu 845-365-8708.

SEJ’s Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment

Deadline approaching for the Society of Environmental Journalists Annual Awards. Details below. -mia


April 1 is the last day to enter SEJ’s Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment – that’s less than two weeks away.

Entering is easier this year because you can do it online ( http://www.sej.org/initiatives/awards-fellowships/sej-annual-awards-reporting-environment).

The contest honors outstanding environmental coverage in 10 categories, each winning a $1,000 prize, and a student prize ($250 plus up to $750 travel/lodging for the first-place winner of the student prize).

Eligibility, rules, FAQs – everything you need to know to enter the contest is at: http://www.sej.org/initiatives/awards/2010-sej-awards-reporting-environment.

When you’re ready to enter, click the “How to Enter” link. You’ll find the online forms listed as links following the instructions. Just click on the category you want to enter.

Winners will be honored at SEJ’s 20th Annual Conference, October 13, 2010, at the University of Montana, Missoula.

Strengthening the quality, reach and viability of journalism across all media to advance public understanding of environmental issues

Chris Rigel Director of Programs and Operations Society of Environmental Journalists P.O. Box 2492 Jenkintown, PA 19046 T: (215) 884-8177 F: (215) 884-8175 www.sej.org

Follow SEJ on Twitter: www.twitter.com/sejorg http://www.airmedia.org

Middlebury Fellowships in Environmental Journalism

Fellowship information from our SF Bureau Chief, Molly Samuel. Contact her (info below) if you want more information. -mia


I’m a fellow with Middlebury Fellowships in Environmental Journalism this year. They’re starting to send out promo material for next year, so I’m passing it on to you. It’s for journalists at the start of their careers. You pitch a story as your application; if you’re chosen they send you $10,000. There are also two residencies: Bread Loaf in the fall and Big Sur in the Spring, the editors are great, and there are also visiting reporters. It’s a pretty great opportunity.



Award Deadline and June Workshop

Environmental reporting prize and workshop – deadlines approaching. Go for it! -mia


Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography

January 4, 2010

Metcalf and Grantham 2010 Deadlines ANNOUNCED www.metcalfinstitute.org www.granthamprize.org

Entries for the 2010 GRANTHAM PRIZE for Excellence in Reporting on the Environment are now being accepted. Journalism entries on the environment must have been originally published, broadcast, or posted in the United States or Canada between January 1 and December 31, 2009. Book entries must be postmarked by January 11, 2010. All other entries must be postmarked by February 1, 2010. Details can be found at www.granthamprize.org or by contacting info@granthamprize.org.

Metcalf’s TWELFTH ANNUAL SCIENCE IMMERSION WORKSHOP FOR JOURNALISTS, Coastal Impacts: Energy Sources and the Marine Environment, June 6-June 11, 2010, will team journalists with scientists and regulatory experts to work in the field and lab. The workshop will consider research and policy on the value of different energy sources in mitigating climate change and how these options affect surrounding environments. Fellowships are available to working journalists in all media and include tuition, room, board, one year of membership in the Society of Environmental Journalists and limited travel support. There is limited space for non-U.S. citizens. Details and applications are available at www.metcalfinstitute.org.

Metcalf Institute and Brown University Superfund Research Program will offer a two-day SCIENCE SEMINAR FOR JOURNALISTS, March 31-April 1, 2010, on the science and impacts of toxic chemicals. This program will feature leading environmental scientists and journalists, visits to research labs and discussion of case studies on the communication of bisphenol-A and air quality impacts. The seminar is tuition-free and includes lodging, but travel costs are not included and space is limited. Details and applications available online at www.metcalfinstitute.org.

Pending funding, Metcalf will offer one to two slots for the 2010-2011 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING FELLOWSHIPS, a program that provides unique opportunities for early-career minority journalists who want to better understand and report on the complexities of environmental news. Updates to be announced in early 2010.

ABOUT METCALF INSTITUTE Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote clear and accurate reporting of scientific news and environmental issues; to strengthen understanding and working relationships between members of the scientific community and members of the news media; and to provide opportunities for beginning journalists to learn, on both a formal and an informal level, how to improve their skills in marine and environmental reporting.

To make a tax-deducible gift or for additional information about us, contact Metcalf Institute’s Executive Director, Sunshine Menezes, at (401) 874-6211.

Metcalf Institute for Marine & Environmental Reporting URI Graduate School of Oceanography 218 South Ferry Road Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882

tel: (401) 874-6211 fax: (401) 874-6486 info@metcalfinstitute.org www.metcalfinstitute.org

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