Tag Archives: audio

Book Odds

Hey all. This is a fun competition for you audio folks. Win a free trip to the Third Coast Festival happening Oct 28-30. Good luck! -Mia


We’re so very excited to announce that after a year of hibernation, the Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge is BACK! www.thirdcoastfestival.org/competitions/shortdocs/2010

This year’s Challenge – “Book Odds” – is a happy collaboration with one of our favorite bands, the Books. Any/everyone is invited to produce a short audio story (up to 3 minutes) inspired by song titles from their upcoming record “The Way Out” and including a couple samples from their vast library of musical bits, strange phrases and sonic doodads.

Read more about Book Odds, the Books, incentives (like winning a trip to this year’s Conference), and all the fine print/submission details, PLUS check out the song titles/download the audio samples at: www.thirdcoastfestival.org/competitions/shortdocs/2010

Submission deadline is July 5th.

Special tidbit for educators: Teachers! We hope you’ll consider introducing or even assigning the Challenge to your students. Book Odds are for everyone.

Happy to answer questions, if you’ve got ’em. Please help us spread the word, and hope you’ll consider participating…

Yrs, TCF

Gates now open for AIR

Two week-long digital audio training workshops in NYC. You do not have to be an AIR member to apply. Travel stipend available for out of town AIR members. Details below. -Mia


Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. [image: Association of Independents in Radio] Stir the sound of your imagination. *Apply for AIR’s Sounds Elemental producer intensives. * We’re looking for 10 producers to step into the void as AIR, in conjunction with Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center in New York City, once again offers two week-long intensives for mid to advanced level audio producers. You do not have to be a member of AIR to apply. This opportunity may be especially appealing to those working primarily in traditional narrative and documentary formats eager to experiment with unconventional approaches to assembling sound and telling story.

This program, entering its 4th year, boasts a diverse and exciting roster of alumni working across a broad range of disciplines, from ATC and Marketplace reporters to musicians and sound artists.

We will accept 10 students through a competitive application process for each class: Sounds Elemental: Earth, to be held June 21-25, 2010, and Sounds Elemental: Sky, to be held November 15-19, 2010 at Harvestworks in New York City. The cost is $650. AIR members living outside of New York City who are accepted are eligible for a small stipend to help underwrite the cost of the intensive and travel to NYC.

We will accept applications for both sessions now.


Producers benefit from intensely individualized attention from renowned sound artists-teachers, NYC-based composer and performer Michael Schumacher, Harvestworks’ Hans Tammen, and AIR member Brenda Hutchinson who teaches and performs extensively around the U.S. and overseas.

*Visit our website to learn more and apply* *.*

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to be in touch.

Best, erin

*Links:* AIR: www.airmedia.org Harvestworks: www.harvestworks.org To apply: www.airmedia.org/PageInfo.php?CatID=5&PageID=562

+++AIR is everywhere.+++ Erin Mishkin Membership Director Association of Independents in Radio

erin@airmedia.org www.airmedia.org

91.7 KALW-FM Local Public Radio, SF seeks Blogger-Reporter

Hey all. I don’t usually post full time job opportunities, but there are a lot of friends of KALW on this list so I thought I’d make an exception. Job summary below, more details in the link. -mia


KALW is seeking a first-rate writer and communicator to lead a news web site focused on criminal justice-related issues in the San Francisco Bay Area—specifically focusing on San Francisco and Oakland.

The journalist-blogger leading the site will be charged with building a dedicated online following around coverage of criminal justice policy, police-community relations, how the courts are run, and other topics related to criminal justice. The position requires that you establish yourself as the area’s most authoritative voice on the issue, with a strong local profile and a national reach through NPR and the wider public broadcasting system.

Candidates should have subject-matter expertise and a solid journalistic track record befitting KALW’s reputation as a trusted local news source. Requires a demonstrated ability to cultivate sources, identify important trends in criminal justice and collect and verify information through a variety of online and offline channels. Candidates should be conversant with blogging and social media applications and a variety of multimedia tools. The strongest candidates also will have proven experience developing a successful niche news site, building audience, establishing a social media brand, and stoking community engagement. Candidate must have experience in feature radio production. Minimum five years journalism, including broadcast and online experience required.

“Soup-to-Nuts” documentary storytelling workshop, April 17-18, Berkeley

Hey all. My friend, mentor, and Freelance Cafe member Claire Schoen is offering her fabulous “Soup To Nuts” documentary storytelling workshop again in April. If you haven’t done this, you should. Details below. Best, Mia


“From Soup to Nuts” A 2-day intensive on documentary radio production offered in the San Francisco Bay Area

Logistics: This seminar will be held April 17 and 18, 2010. Each day’s class will run from 10 am to 5:30 pm, including 6 hours of class work, plus lunch and breaks.

It will be held at Claire’s studio in Berkeley, California Class will be limited to 8 students. The cost of the 2-day seminar is $250.

The Course: Through lectures, group discussion, Q & A, written handouts, and lots of audio demos, this two-day class will explore the ins and outs of creating a long-form radio documentary. Designed to meet the needs of mid-level producers, this seminar will also be accessible to individuals who have little or no experience in radio production.

Compelling audio documentary incorporates a creative weave of elements including narration, interviews, music, vérité scenes, character portraits, dramatizations, performances, archival tape and ambience beds. Students learn how these elements serve to paint a picture in sound.

Emphasis will be put on the production process. To this end, the class will examine the steps of concept development, research, pre-production, recording techniques, interviewing, writing, organizing tape, scripting, editing and mixing required to create an audio documentary.

Most importantly, we will focus on the art of storytelling. We will discuss dramatic structure, taking the listener through introduction, development and resolution of a story. And we will explore how character development brings the listener to the heart of the story.

The Teacher: Claire Schoen is a media producer, with a special focus on documentary radio. As a producer/director, she has created over 20 long-form radio documentaries and several documentary films, as well as numerous short works. As a sound designer she has recorded, edited and mixed sound for film, video, radio, webstory, museums and theater productions. Her radio documentaries have garnered numerous awards including NFCB Golden and Silver reels, two Gracies, two Clarion awards and a New York International Festival Silver. She has also shared in both a Peabody and a DuPont-Columbia.

Claire has taught documentary radio production at U.C. Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. She has also taught radio scriptwriting and production at numerous venues including AIR’s mentorship program and the Third Coast Festival Conference.

To Register: Contact Claire Schoen cschoen@earthlink.net • 510-540-5106 • www.claireschoenmedia.com

pdf iconStoN’s Flier (April 10).pdf

REVISED! Snap Judgment’s Call for Stories!!!

Hey folks – this update from Glynn at Snap Judgments: revised (higher!) pay rates. Hooray! -mia


Thanks to everyone for your amazing response to Snap Judgment’s Call for Stories, and suggestions on our rate structure. As promised, we have gone “back to the drawing board” on the rate structure, as reflected in this revised Call for Stories.

As former freelancers, we very much understand the need for sustainable compensation practices, and will endeavor to treat EVERYONE in the Snap Judgment community fairly.

Thanks again,


# **

Snap Judgment, winner of CPB’s Public Radio Talent Quest, launches April 2010, and is putting out a call for stories.

We’re looking for amazing stories. Quick. Distinctive Voice. Bobbing and weaving. Surprising ending. Raw. Urban sensibility. Intimate. Voyeuristic.

The “perfect” long form Snap Judgment story runs six to nine minutes.

Check out Episode ONE (Magic Doors) at SnapJudgment.org . . .

Typically in Snap Judgment pieces, the narrator presents a high stakes choice early on – subtly daring listeners to put themselves in place of the protagonist. Snap Judgment heroes make choices with consequence. As the story unfolds we learn more about both the teller and the environment / context they operate.

We like stories that transport listeners to different worlds. We really like international stories, but equally dig stories that navigate ethnic or social-economic communities outside the scope of traditional media. (For example, we would love a story about a Tongan prince, but would also dig one from the perspective of a sister-wife in north Utah.)

While main characters are allowed to draw lessons from their experience, we leave the “judging” of the story to the audience. We don’t mind if overlapping narratives conflict in their conclusions. (One person could conclude that arranged marriages are evil, another could conclude they are great.)

Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story! We like lies and lying liars. Lies and exaggerations are often more important than some antiseptic recall of the facts. We want character. A snapshot of the person in the moment of their Snap Judgment.

The more fantastical, the better. Snap Judgment dances on the edge of credulity. Did you see someone fly? Fantastic. Picked up by a UFO? Even better. Got a fictional piece you think would work? Try us.

The Snap Judgment theme is important, but most important is the story. Good stories have decision points. Good characters suck listeners in. The teller should want to share their story. (Or be so compelling in their reluctance, that we identify with them.) Either way, we must be compelled to listen as they illuminate a hidden piece of the world.

We’re currently working through a few basic “themes” – BUT don’t let this limit your imaginings. If you have a good idea, let us know!

1) 5150 (Stories involving people who are a danger to to themselves or and others.) 2) DROP EVERYTHING (people who have abandoned their current lives in search of a new one). 3) LIBRARY TALES (stories in or involving the most innocuous place of all – the local public library . . .) 4) SUPERHEROS (stories of people who use their powers to shake things up . . . hopefully in tights!)

Interested producers should send a pitch, and a quick synopsis of the story. We will read each and every pitch (promise) and let you know whether we would like to move to the next level.

We are interested in both fully edited stories and raw interview tape (that show staff will cut into stories for the radio show and podcast)

Turnaround Times 2 Days – Quick 3 Days – Average 6 Days – Intensive

Junior Level Day Rate – $250 2 days – $500 3 days – $875 6 days – $1500

Mid Level Day Rate – $325 2 days – $650 3 days – $1,188 6 days – $1,950

Senior Level Day Rate – $400 2 days – $800 3 days – $1,400 6 days – $2,400

Write to us: Pitches@SnapJudgment.org

Thanks a million! We can’t WAIT to hear from you . . . SnapJudgment.org

tape sync in La Jolla TOMORROW (Wednesday) 4pm

Hey folks. Sorry for the short notice… are any of you in southern CA (or know someone in southern, CA) who might be available for this tape sync tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4pm? This is for Antenna Audio. Drop me a line and I’ll put you in touch with the producer. Thanks! -Mia


We are looking for someone to go to a swanky resort in La Jolla, California – north of San Diego – to record a car collector on Wednesday – THIS Wednesday – at 4 p.m. Allison will call in at 4:30 once the person is all set up, and the car guy will read some scripted text. It should take about 30 minutes maximum. I’m sure anyone’s rate will be an hour minimum and probably transportation.

Do you have anyone in that neighborhood? It’s an emergency – I have no one, we’re on deadline, and this fellow is very hard to track down and record.

Thanks for any leads or help.

Best, Kate

Kate Rothrock Creative Director, US Antenna Audio Inc. P.O. Box 176 Sausalito, CA 94966 PHONE: 415-332-4862, ext. 120 FAX: 415-332-5886

KALW’s City Visions Radio in need of a fill-in producer

Hey folks. City Visions Radio (part of KALW) is in need of a fill-in producer. Contact info below and details attached. Best, Mia


Well, we’re in need again as two producers are on maternity leave. We’re looking to bring on at least one more person. If you can help get this word out through your channels, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Brian Moran Senior Producer City Visions Radio www.cityvisionsradio.com 91.7 FM, KALW, San Francisco brian@cityvisionsradio.com Cell: 323-309-8699

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The Missouri Review’s Audio & Video Contest

Fun and creative contest. Check it out! -Mia _______________________________________

The Missouri Review’s Audio & Video Contest 2009 Postmark Deadline: January 16, 2010

Audio/Voice-Only Literature If you have a short story, a piece of creative nonfiction, narrative essay or poetry that you think worthy of recording, enter this category. All literary genres are considered. Pieces in this category can be solely author-read or contain other tracks of sound, voice and/or recorded interviews. Entries are judged on literary merit, technical proficiency and, most importantly, how the author uses audio media to futher the literary strength of his or her piece. Note: Poets may enter one or more poems as a single entry as long as the total recorded time does not exceed the 10-minute limit. We encourage writers and producers to make innovative use of recording technology as a means of furthering their literary craft.

Time: 10 minutes or less. First Prize: $1,500 Second prize: $500


Kitchen Sisters workshops October 29 and November 5, SF

My favorite lady of radio is hosting another training workshop. If radio is your thing you don’t want to miss it. -Mia


Davia Nelson of The Kitchen Sisters is conducting two basic recording and interviewing workshops in San Francisco. Thursday, October 29 and Thursday, November 5 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The three hour workshop is for people who want to acquire and hone their skills for an array of projects–radio, online storytelling, oral histories, audio slide shows, family histories, and other multimedia endeavors.
We will cover miking techniques, sound gathering, use of archival audio, how to make interviewees comfortable, how to frame evocative questions that make for compelling storytelling, how to listen (which is harder than it looks), how to use interviews in conjunction with images, field recording techniques, recording equipment and more. The workshops are customized to fit the projects you are working on.
People who attend come from radio, newspapers, photography, oral history, historical societies, farms, music, writing, libraries, web design and beyond. The groups are always lively and good contacts are made.
The fee is $115. Of course, there will be a snack. The workshops are held in Francis Coppola’s historic Zoetrope building in North Beach.

If you, or someone you know is interested, email kitchen@kitchensisters.org and let us know which of the two workshops you would like to attend.

See you there,

The Kitchen Sisters