call for pitches from WHYY’s The Pulse

WHYY's The Pulse wants YOU (your pitches anyway). Details below.
Reporters & Producers,

WHYY's "The Pulse" (stories at the heart of health, science, and innovation) is in future planning mode right now, and we're hungry for pitches. We're open to fresh new ideas or rebroadcast features that are still relevant and haven't yet been run by national news magazines.

Pitch away! Email me:

Joel Patterson, Managing Editor

****If you aren't sure what we're looking for, here are our guiding principles:

Empower people to take control of their health.
We aren’t here to market gadgets or push fad diets. We are in the business of giving people the tools to understand their options and their rights.

Put people first.
Our show humanizes complicated issues by allowing reporters and their subjects to be themselves and speak in their authentic voices.

Answer questions people didn’t even know they had.
One of the best sources for great storytelling is our own experience. If you find yourself wondering “why?” odds are our audience is, too…whether or not they know it.

If the audience can predict the next story…we’re failing.

Celebrate with skepticism.
Science and technology are fertile ground for amazing breakthroughs in our understanding the human condition. We celebrate those moments, but we do so with the caveat that “science is a moving target.”

Take the audience on a journey.
The point of departure is ignorance, the destination is understanding. And, if the choice is between interviewing someone in their office at Pennsylvania Hospital and in a hot-air balloon over the Rio Grande…you know the rest.

Keep it weird.
The fringe is where the action is.

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