Radio Journalist needed for IOM mission in Philippines, Aug 25-29

Know any talented radio journalists in the Philippines? Spread the word! Details and contact info below. -Mia

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is looking for an experienced radio producer/journalist to produce a broadcast quality podcast from our mission in Philippines. To that end we wish to engage journalist specialized in radio production to accompany our research team to the Philippines to conduct interviews with IOM staff. The aim is to produce a 45-60 minute podcast program of broadcast quality using voice interviews and natural sound exploring the possible impact of the new set of humanitarian principles in crisis situations.

IOM is developing and implementing an institutional humanitarian policy which will be embodied in a set of ‘Principles for Humanitarian Action’ (PHA) for the mobility dimension of crisis situations. These Principles will underpin IOM’s ‘Migration Crisis Operational Framework’, and will guide IOM staff and field operations when responding to the human mobility dimension of crises.

Field-based reports will be undertaken to explore and identify the current and recent operational experience of humanitarian challenges and issues IOM staff face, and the effects the PHA initiative will have on these challenges.

Payment will cover 10 days of work (five days in field and five days for post-production), flight, transport and daily allowance.

The journalist should have experience with international media and ideally have produced work for international organizations previously.

Aims and Objectives of Podcast Report –
§ To scope out, identify and document the nature and the different types of humanitarian challenges and dilemmas faced in diverse operational settings;
§ To explore how accountability challenges towards communities and affected populations are met in the field;
§ To document the types of support provided at different levels to guide humanitarian and rights-based interventions and identify gaps.

Please contact Leonard Doyle

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