Call for Pitches from America Abroad – Religious Minorities in the Mideast

The latest call for pitches from A.C. at America Abroad. Details and contact info below.


Hi all,

Thanks so much to all of the freelancers who rapidly (and enthusiastically!) answered my last call for pitches. The next America Abroad will focus on religious minorities in the Middle East.

We're looking for reports that can answer questions like to the following:

-What does the Arab Spring mean for Christians, Jews, and other religious minorities where new governments and constitutions are forming?

-What policies of tolerance and protections of minority rights(or lack thereof) exist in the Middle East?
-How do religious minorities fit into political systems where they are outnumbered?
-What is the societal role played by minority Muslim sects?
-What non-Abrahamic traditions exist in the Middle East, and where are they surviving/thriving? How do they fit into their society and its sociopolitical dynamics?

Of course, these are just examples. Feel free to think outside the box. We're looking for pieces around 8-10 minutes in length, with good potential for natural sound and a real opportunity to take our listeners to somewhere they might never otherwise go. We also want to make a serious examination of policy, government, and how religion fits into political questions.

The deadline for completed pieces will be June 29th, and we pay $125-$150 per minute, with higher rates dependent on a piece's quality, reporter experience, and contribution of multimedia (photos, social media participation, video, etc.)

Please get in touch off-list at acvaldez at americaabroadmedia dot org.


2 thoughts on “Call for Pitches from America Abroad – Religious Minorities in the Mideast”

  1. Hi Simone. I post calls for pitches as I receive them, and safe to say, one that was posted in 2012 is no longer current… If you don’t see any recent posts from a particular show, it means I haven’t heard from that show in awhile. This is the case with America Abroad. You’d have to contact the show directly for more details. Hope this helps!

  2. re Call for Pitches from America Abroad – Religious Minorities in the Mideast
    The latest call for pitches from A.C. at America Abroad. Details and contact info below.

    Key point is the word ‘latest’ above.

    Obviously it is not the latest (2012). How does one find the ‘true latest’ ? And is it not possible to remove these old posts such that they do not come up in response to searching online for ‘latest’? Otherwise perhaps you’d be so kind as to help me understand how the ‘true latest’ is found. Up to this moment I have not been able to find the current theme material being called for. I’m annoyed so instead of struggling any more I’ve posted here hoping you can simplify clarify this for me. I’m sure there are others that – even if we are a minority – who like myself are finding this problematic.

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